Sunday, October 15, 2017

Golden Rules of Forex/30th October 2017.

Date:30th  October 2017.

Golden Rules of Forex

*** Discipline is Essential for Success in Forex.
*** Money Management is the life, Trend is your friend.
*** 3M confirm : Mind, Method, Money Management.
*** Meditation: Aek¨B cÖwZw`b Ges Trade Kivi c~‡e© Meditation Ki‡ZB n‡e| 
Most & First Analysis: Day Candle Analysis + Add CROSS-10,20 in Day Chart + Line chart +  Compare previous YEARS+ WEEKLY CHAT+ MONTHLY CHART==Finally when confirm the Sell or Buy in the Day & H4 Chart-OK--We can take a TRADE OR CREATE PENDING ORDER.
1| 1g Ges mycvi GbvjvBwmm n‡jv mv`v MACD Histogram I Kvjvi MACD Histogram Øviv macd Gi Cross line `ywUi Ae¯’vb, LuywU¸‡jvi Ae¯’vb Ges K¨v‡Ûj Character-Day I H4 `yÕwU‡ZB m~ÿfv‡e GbvjvBwmm Kiv Ges GKB mv‡_ MT-4 Pv‡U© Moving Cross-12, 26 wbweifv‡e GbvjvBwmm Kiv Ges cvkvcvwk Fibonecci Øviv GbvjvBwmm Kiv I cÖwZwU welq kZfvM wbwðZ n‡ZB n‡e| AZtci †UªW emv‡bv m¤¢e n‡j (R:R=1:2) ‡UªW GKwU em‡e Ab¨_vq Pending order em‡e| Peding order Gi Ae¯’vb Febonceci Øviv wbwðZ n‡Z n‡e|  
2| Kvjvi Histogram Øviv Day I H 4 GbvjvBwmm Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Line PvU© Øviv Day PvU© G Overbought I Oversold wbwðZ n‡Z n‡e| mvßvwnK I gvwmK Candle ‡`L‡Z n‡e|
3| Currency Sheet Gi Øviv me‡P‡q kw³kvjx I me‡P‡q `ye©j Currency evwni Ki‡Z n‡e|
4| Lot size 0.01 n‡e Ges mKj †ÿ‡Î Support I Resistence eivei SL I TP _vK‡ZB n‡e|
5| Trade emv‡bvi gZ Ae¯’v bv _vK‡j Aek¨B Pending order 0.01 j‡U n‡e mv‡_ Aek¨B SL I TP _vK‡ZB n‡e|
6| Risk I Reward n‡e- 1:2 A_ev 1:3 (Best)|
7| Equity Gi Dci m‡e©v”P 2% †_‡K 5% ch©šÍ Risk ‡bIqv ‡h‡Z cv‡i|
8| Support I Resistance eivei Pjgvb Trade Ges Pending order Gi †ÿ‡Î SL I TP _vK‡ZB n‡e| 
9| High Impact News Gi c~‡e©i 02 N›Uv I c‡ii 02 N›Uv g~j †UªwWs GKvD›U ¸‡jv‡Z Aek¨B †Kvb †UªW _vK‡eB bv| Z‡e Ab¨ GKwU †QvU GKvD‡›U (50-100 Wjvi) Support I Resistance Gi Dc‡i Ges bx‡P K‡qKwU ¯Í‡i Buy Stop I Sell Stop w`‡q News ‡UªW Kiv hv‡e|
10| Money Management kZfvM bv gvb‡j GKvD›U †h‡Kvb mgq Zero ev µvk n‡eB|

11| Myfxbook, Forexfactory, Dailyfx, Investing, ewYK evZ©v BZ¨vw` mvBU¸‡jv Analyze Ki‡Z n‡e|

12| News Sheet-G Myfxbook ‡_‡K mßv‡ni mKj News Record Ki‡Z n‡e|
13| Forex Factory ‡_‡K Traders view fvj fv‡e †`L‡Z n‡e|
14| GKvwaK †UªW Kv‡j Myfxbook ‡_‡K co-relation ‡`L‡Z n‡e|
15| Investing ‡_‡K Pair wUi Technical Analysis, Candle I Ab¨vb¨ w`K †`L‡Z n‡e|
16| Kzwg‡ii b¨vq †UªW emv‡Z n‡e| g‡bivL‡Z n‡e Market-G cÖwZw`b I mKj mgq ‡UªW emv‡bvi gZ Ae¯’v _v‡K bv|
17| †Kvb fv‡eB Overtrade Kiv hv‡e bv Ges 0.01 Gi †ekx j‡U Trade Kiv hv‡e bv|
18| me mgq eo jU Gi cwie‡Z© †QvU j‡U †ekx wccm Target Ki‡Z n‡e|
19| Trailing stop cÖ‡qvRb ey‡S e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|
20| High Impact News QvovI Ab¨vb¨ News G Market Gi eo ai‡Yi Movement n‡q _v‡K- Bnv Aek¨B g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e|
21| News hw` High impact nq †m mgq g~j GKvD›U ¸‡jv‡Z Aek¨B †Kvb †UªW _vK‡eB bv| Z‡e Ab¨ GKwU 50 USD ev 100 USD GKvD›U-G K‡qKwU ¯Í‡i (0.05-0.10-‡e BUY Stop I Sell Stop Order-Support I Resistemce Gi gv_vq w`‡q Ges Market Movement-G fvjfv‡e bRi †i‡L †UªW Kiv hv‡e|
22| MT-4 Chart-G fvjfv‡e Trend Line AvuK‡Z n‡e|  
23| 3wU GKvD›U _vK‡e, GKwU‡Z Day Trade, GKwU‡Z Long Trade I GKwU †QvU GKvD›U (20-50 Wjvi) G News mg‡q Trade n‡e|
24| mKj GKvD‡›U cÖwZwU †UªW Gi c~‡e© mv`v mx‡U Equity Gi †iKW© Aek¨B ivL‡Z n‡e|
25| Relax wbqwgZ Ki‡ZB n‡e|
26| kvwiixK I gvbwmK Ae¯’v mKj mgq fvj ivL‡ZB n‡e|
27| Av‡eM I †jvf kZfvM cwinvi Ki‡ZB n‡e Ges Av‡eM I †jv‡fi Kvi‡Y Aek¨B Trade emv‡bv hv‡eB bv|
28| mKj †ÿ‡Î kZfvM Discipline gvb‡ZB n‡e Ges Aek¨B Forex Avmw³ I AbjvBb Avmw³i wkKvi nIqv hv‡e bv| 

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