Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Why Trading The Daily Charts Will Improve Your Trading Results

Why Trading The Daily Charts Will Improve Your Trading Results

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By in Forex Trading Strategies Last updated on | 94 Comments
Forex_8-_education_1If your Forex trading is not going the way you want it to and you feel overwhelmed by the amount of market data bombarding your brain every time you sit down to analyze the markets, you probably need to readjust your trading strategy so that your primary focus is on the daily charts.
If you are currently experiencing any of the following trading problems you will benefit significantly from making the daily chart your primary trading time frame:
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• Over-trading – Trading too much due to a number of reasons; greed, indecision, no trading plan etc.
• Fear of placing trades – You feel un-confident about which trades to take and which to pass on, this results in you getting “stage fright” and not trading at all, thus missing out on some good opportunities.
• Over-analyzing – You find yourself spending hours upon hours looking at numerous time frames and 20 different currency pairs. Eventually, you get tired and decide to enter a trade for no solid reason besides the fact that you have confused yourself to the point of exhaustion.
• Addiction to trading – You find yourself preoccupied with the market and with your trades all the time, it’s starting to affect your work life and your family life, all the while you are still losing money. You wonder why you are losing money while pumping so much time into your trading.
• Trading inconsistently –You have some good weeks and then some very bad weeks that erase your good weeks.

How not focusing on the daily charts can cause the above trading problems:

• Over-trading – When you look at every time frame available to you, you are naturally going to find more “signals”. However, signals on the lower time frames are naturally less reliable than signals on the daily chart because the daily chart works to “smooth” out the noise and randomness that can occur on time frames below it, thus showing you a more accurate picture of the market. This means you will trade less on the daily chart, but the trades you do take will naturally be higher-probability. So, in essence, you lose quantity, but you gain quality when trading the daily charts, not a bad trade-off when you consider your hard-earned cash is at stake.
There are good signals on lower time frames like the 4hr and 1hr chart, but you need to master the daily chart before you can have any chance at successfully trading the time frames below it. Also, I never trade or look at any time frames under the 1hr as my years in the markets have proved to me that these time frames are totally counter-productive due to the inherent noise they contain and confusion they induce. There are many false signals on lower time frames and so you have to know how to properly trade the daily charts before you can understand how to properly trade the lower time frames. Also, once you start the ball rolling of over trading in Forex, it becomes an emotional roller coaster that is very hard to detect and stop.
See 15 Minute Chart Image Below, This Is An Example of what I call “Market Noise”.

See Daily Chart Image Below, This Is An Example of what I call “Clean Chart”.

• Fear of placing trades – When you are inundated by a vast amount of market data from news sources and numerous different chart time frames, you are naturally going to self-impose a certain amount of indecision and doubt into your trading. Also, when you do not have a trading strategy mastered like price action trading on the daily charts, you are naturally going to be more confused and thus less confident than you otherwise would be. In essence, you want to limit the number of variables you use to make your trading decisions in the market, because there are essentially an unlimited amount of variables that traders can confuse themselves with. Not focusing on the daily charts as your primary technical analysis time frame usually leads to confusion, indecision, and ultimately fear.
• Over-analyzing – Many traders spend hours upon hours analyzing fundamental data, technical data, and anything else they can get their hands on that they erroneously believe will give them more insight into the future track of the market. The problem with this thinking is that ALL variables are ultimately reflected via the simple and natural price movement of a price chart. The daily chart gives us the most pertinent view of the market in my opinion, so if you are not focusing mainly on the daily chart, you are probably spending too much time on other less-pertinent market variables that are only going to confuse you and cause you to enter trades that are based more on “guessing” than on sound price action trading logic of the daily chart.
• Addiction to Trading – This one is pretty simple; traders seem to think that by looking at lower time frames they are somehow getting a more accurate view of the market, simply because more data is coming their way. Well, they are right that they are getting more data, but they are wrong that they are getting a more accurate view of the market. Simply put, not every move in the market is significant; in fact, there are a lot of useless price formations and price action setups on small time frames, simply as a result of the nature of the markets. We have to move up to higher time frames like the daily chart to see what all the movement on the lower time frames actually means.
Many traders simply lose sight of the fact that higher time frames are more accurate and so they spend countless hours analyzing and checking their trades. Eventually they are so preoccupied with their trading that they are checking intra-day charts at work and constantly thinking about the markets. This is what happens when you don’t put the majority of your focus on the smoothed-out and more relevant view of the daily charts.

• Trading inconsistently – If you are confusing yourself by focusing on many different time frames and not focusing on the daily charts as your main time frame, you are very likely getting inconsistent trading results, at best. Traders who jump around from the 5 minute chart to the 30 minute chart and back again, are naturally less likely to have a consistent and smooth long-term equity curve than those traders who put their focus mainly on the daily charts. This is because traders using lower time frames are naturally going to be taking many more low-probability trade setups than traders focusing on the daily charts, and low time-frame traders are also more likely to over-trade, this means significantly less consistent trading results over the long-term.

How focusing on the daily charts can FIX the above trading problems:

• Over-trading – Daily charts help inhibit over trading because you get fewer signals but they are more accurate. Most traders over-trade from focusing on lower time frames. Thus, by moving your focus to the more reliable daily chart, you will have a natural guard against over-trading, that is assuming you are disciplined enough to only trade obvious signals on the daily chart that you have mastered previously by mastering one Forex trading strategy at a time.
Note how the daily chart gives you less data to look at each day but it’s much more pertinent. The 30 minute chart gives you 48 times more data to look at since there are two 30 minute bars per hour in a 24 hour day. You are much better off learning to trade the daily charts so that you can see what all the market movement resulted in each day, rather than trying to analyze and make sense out of each little tick of the lower time frames….

• Fear of placing trades – Patience is very important in Forex trading and discipline as well, waiting for the best signals on the daily charts influences you to develop these positive trading habits. When you become a patient and disciplined Forex trader, you will naturally foster a confident trading mindset and this will work to eliminate the fear of trading that you may have experienced recently. The key to waiting for the best signals is of course knowing exactly what signals you are looking for.

• Over-analyzing –
Daily charts provide for set and forget Forex trading and this allows you to spend less time staring at your charts and less time analyzing the market and all its variables. This is a good thing, more is usually not better when it comes to Forex trading, in fact, after you learn to trade effectively, you are better off spending as little time as possible analyzing the market and looking for trades. 30 minutes a day is all you need if you are focusing on the daily charts, this is of course after you have mastered an effective trading strategy like price action.
• Addiction to trading – Once you accept that all trading signals are stronger and more significant on the daily charts than any time frame below, you will be less likely to get addicted to staring at your charts and analyzing the market. People become addicted to lower time frames and watching the price movement, this is counter-productive and simply a huge waste of time. You want to trade like a sniper and not a machine gunner; the daily charts give you this ability.

• Trading inconsistently –
All trading signals are stronger and clearer on daily charts than on time frames below, thus it makes your trading more effective and consistent over the long-term due to the increased reliability of the signals. Remember, trading success is defined by consistency, and if you want to have a steadily increasing equity curve you will need to slow-down your trading activity and learn to analyze the market from the more pertinent perspective that the daily charts provide.

The “real” Forex market close:

Trading daily charts that close at 5pm New York time is important because this marks the end of the current Forex trading day and the start of the new trading day as New Zealand trading opens. Closing prices are the most important price in the market because they show the settlement between the bulls and the bears, and because the New York trading session is the second biggest behind London in Forex trading volume, it’s very important to see this closing settlement at the New York close instead of at some other more arbitrary time.

In closing:

Finally, I don’t expect you to take my word for any of this, instead, go look at the daily charts for yourself, draw in the horizontal support and resistance levels and learn to spot the price action strategies that I teach. I feel very passionate about focusing on the daily charts, but I challenge you to prove to yourself why it is the best time frame to trade. One of the main reasons why most traders fail to make money is because they are stuck in a cycle of over-analyzing and over-trading on lower time frame charts. If you want to fast-forward your learning curve and learn to trade effectively as quickly as possible, check out my price action trading course here and learn more about daily chart trading with simple yet effective price action strategies.

About Nial Fuller

is a Professional Trader & Author who is considered ‘The Authority’ on Price Action Trading. He has a monthly readership of 250,000+ traders and has taught 20,000+ students since 2008. Checkout Nial's Professional Forex Course here.
  1. Jubilant Ntate July 2, 2017 at 7:55 pm
    Thank you
  2. Nelson Harry February 28, 2017 at 9:43 am
    This has really helped me having issues like this lost hundreds thanks to you my mentor
  3. Will January 4, 2017 at 10:25 am
    Brilliant advice from my mentor….
    If anyone is on the fence and considering joining LTTTM , you are missing out big!
    Nial has opened our eyes to so many “aha” moments, it is unbelieveable.
    Great trading everyone and Happy and prosperous 2017………………
  4. Atul Kapatkar December 21, 2016 at 3:42 pm
    Daily time frame gives clear market picture and helpful in making a trading decision.
    Nice lesson. Very good.
  5. Fido00x October 15, 2016 at 5:31 am
    Thank you, Mr Nial. This article is very informative and priceless.
  6. Danial May 9, 2016 at 2:12 am
    Hi Nail, thanks for the twitter. Your trades are great. Wished i knew them before, now i just relax a bit and review a couple of trades i am in. Hopefully going full time soon on FX..Great job!
  7. Sizwe Maseko April 4, 2016 at 9:29 pm
    Thank you for this post. After reading it I then realized my mistake or rather mistakes I’ve been making. I then opened a trade and I made 100pips for the 1st time since I started trading. So thank you for such a helpful article. I wish I saw it earlier
  8. Chandrsekhar January 30, 2016 at 4:26 pm
    Nail nice explanation and good course thankq so much of this valueble courses.
  9. khesiwe November 22, 2015 at 12:40 am
    Thanks Nial your articles are always helpful thanks so much
  10. Tom Padwick. November 11, 2015 at 6:12 pm
    Thanks Nial,
    These little reminders are invaluable as it is so easy to stray from the proven path.
  11. Ola November 11, 2015 at 5:41 am
    This information you’re dishing out for free is highly useful and worth more than a million thanks. More grease to your elbow.
  12. Subodh September 27, 2015 at 4:11 pm
    Very nice and helpful article.
  13. Mike T September 26, 2015 at 5:57 am
    I agree with you in that trading a larger/longer time frame like the dailies or my favorite the weeklies produces a much more reliable signal. The problem that I have with trading such a larger/longer time period is that my stops are also larger. This is a problem for me when I am trading a leveraged instrument like forex or futures b/c it leads to larger losses if they get hit. So as a result, I tend to focus on smaller/lower time periods to minimize my losses and I’m faced with some of the challenges above. Is there anyway to trade a larger/longer time period without incurring a greater loss? The only ways I can think of is to 1) not trade leveraged instruments (longer time frames work great on stocks, etfs, bonds, etc…) or 2) have really tight stops if I’m trading leveraged (but again I find that tight stops get hit a lot).
    • Nial Fuller October 25, 2015 at 6:57 pm
      Mike, just adjust your position size, wider stops DO NOT mean more risk, just trade less contracts. I would avoid lower time frames.
  14. Babak June 24, 2015 at 1:40 am
    Hi! I was searching for educational sources to learn “Price Action”, and very lucky to study your free but priceless courses. Thank you so much for your great work! I am sure that a lot of traders are prying for your health and well being, and really appreciate your good-works, please keep it up!
  15. Gina June 13, 2015 at 3:52 am
    Am so happy to have found this site.very educative articles.God bless you for the good job.
    Georgina ,Kenya
  16. fred June 3, 2015 at 12:49 am
    Hi Nail realize now that i must master the higher Daily time frame, been using lower frames, what a failure. Thanks for the valuable lessons you provide to help one focus.
  17. michael May 27, 2015 at 7:29 pm
    thank you bro
  18. PAVELFX May 22, 2015 at 12:52 pm
    this information is golden. its priceless
  19. kevin May 16, 2015 at 6:28 pm
    Thanks nial..as always you have posted another piece of invaluable information to traders. Thanks again!
  20. praveen kumar May 13, 2015 at 4:28 pm
    Dear sir,
    Great strategy and simply super.
    Thanks and regards,
  21. Abdul May 2, 2015 at 6:20 pm
    First, Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience Nial. You’re a Great man. Initially when I began to trade I followed your simple steps and strategy that gave winning trades. After that, everything that you say in this article did happened when I switched my attention to lower time frames and in the losing end. I used to watch your tutorial again and again to refresh myself. But now I’m confident with my trades.Well said and thank you again. God bless
  22. adrian April 25, 2015 at 4:00 pm
    Thank you sir, after i read your great lessons i realized my trade are over trading. Now i want to strat using daily chart. Once again thank you
  23. ced April 21, 2015 at 8:56 pm
    Hi Nial
    Realistically, if you only trade daily charts, how many trades would/could you do monthly?
    Keep your awesome work
  24. Atkinson April 7, 2015 at 7:10 am
    Thanks Nial, this is of benefit especially to me.
  25. Paul udo April 6, 2015 at 3:27 am
    Great article! But I think most people probably would just not be able to afford a stop loss based off the daily that can sometimes be 100+ pips. Just my thought.
  26. Peter G March 22, 2015 at 7:24 pm
    After five years of trading (now successfully) I can confirm that this article is of great value to all those starting trading, read, digest and follow, there are many methods of trading , very few are worth following but Thanks Nial for the instruction you have given me over the years…..
  27. Wilson Wahuga February 26, 2015 at 10:14 pm
    A great article. Am happy I came across this great site by Nial Fuller.This is exactly what I needed as a new trader
  28. michael February 18, 2015 at 11:03 pm
    nice article,thank you
  29. Nicholas Nkesiga January 31, 2015 at 2:48 am
    Thanks Nial, you’re information is seriously motivating me to the extent that am yet now to forex trading market. Keep helping us.
  30. Nicholas Nkesiga January 31, 2015 at 2:41 am
    Thanks big man, you’re information is really motivating me to start up trading with the forex market.
  31. imran siddiqui March 28, 2014 at 6:44 am
    Thanks! you are great and superb article and from now i will more keep an eye on daily charts.
    Nial Fuller is the king of forex….
  32. arun March 27, 2014 at 4:51 pm
    Nial really very nice and powerful article, i learned many things, and very clear about trading setup. really you are gifted in this field, we need some more useful articles from you, will pray for you
  33. Zatara March 27, 2014 at 2:40 am
    You are the Forex trading Wizard! I was trading in the 1 hour charts and it was killing me, so much anxiety, now I’m following your suggestion to trade on the daily charts, and it’s great! stress free! Thanks.
  34. Toby September 26, 2013 at 9:50 pm
    Once again you hit the “nail on the head” of many inexperienced traders.(like myself).
    To much lower time frame, too much analyzing, etc…..
    Thanks for helping me to “refocus”…..
  35. Antonie Potgieter August 12, 2013 at 5:21 am
    Great article ill try out the daily charts so i dont have to keep an eye on the markets all the time
  36. Sajol ahmed April 9, 2013 at 5:15 pm
    Sir nail,this article is so good. you said “why most traders fail to make money is because they are stuck in a cycle of over-analyzing and over-trading on lower time frame charts”
    that true.
  37. Nabs March 21, 2013 at 8:36 pm
    This article is GOLD !
  38. Gab January 15, 2013 at 11:54 pm
    I have not yet started trading but have all that a trader has been through. I have learnt a lot from your years of experience as a trader and continue to do so. Thanks a millions for the enlightenment I seem to have achieved through reading your posts. May God bless enlighten you more about price-action-strategies.
  39. Sebastion Chen January 15, 2013 at 11:41 pm
  40. Kenny January 15, 2013 at 11:11 pm
    Nial, you are good trader
  41. Rajesh Agarwal November 14, 2012 at 5:08 am
    Very intersting & knowledgeable. Earlier I was also trading in lower time frames but since a fews days ago, I swiched to daily, 4 h & 1 h. But since I cant put big stop loss, I find setups on LTF on the basis of HTFs.
  42. Jeremy October 13, 2012 at 1:31 pm
    Thanks so much for your website Nial. It is really helping me to fill in some holes in my trading.
    About a year ago, I made a commitment to learn how to trade. It has become my life. My only vice is following American football online. I won’t give up until I get it. Being in Japan has helped me to be able to participate in all the markets during the day.
    The other problem following the dailys presents is that, I want to trade futures because I feel the price movement is much easier and clearer to follow. The financial commitment though is quite a bit higher for going live so I really have to have my i’s dotted and my t’s crossed before I go for it. In a way that is a good thing I think, but the amount risked is so high following daily charts. . .
    I have found that the 6 hour seems to have pretty accurate and smooth information. going down to 4 hour chart
  43. Jeremy October 13, 2012 at 1:16 pm
    I know what you mean about getting a clearer more accurate picture, but the problem with it from paper-trading standpoint is that there aren’t enough signals to trade and build the confidence that it takes to trust your system enough to not abandon it when things go wrong. I have been using your strategies on the 6 hour and shrinking it down to the 1 hour and it seems to do fairly well. This gives me more signals to trade on paper to build confidence. Funny thing is that going down just 2 hours to using the 4 hour as a base really seems to invite more noise. I want to be very safe and sure of my ability to trade the strategy before I go live, so I need more signals!!
  44. Ronald July 12, 2012 at 9:05 am
    Hi Nial,
    Sometimes in life you search for answers to problems without success and suddenly wham! uereka moment, this is what it means to have discovered you.
  45. Paul June 10, 2012 at 7:51 pm
    I have the same problem you mentioned about those trading lower time frames,
    I will reposition myself to higher time frame.Thanks a million for the lecture.
  46. Mike Wilkinson June 7, 2012 at 11:53 pm
    In the past I have traded lower time frames for the reason stated by others – larger stop loss required on the daily chart. However, I think that what you say is quite right and I am going to trade the daily charts even if it means trading about 10p per pip. It doesn’t seem unreasonable to aim for 15% per month return and compounding a starting pot of £500 and achieving this target would give £2,675 at the end of year 1 and £14,300 at the end of year 2. After that you are really starting to make money. Patience is a virtue!
  47. LukeJob April 25, 2012 at 4:06 pm
    Thank you for guiding us Nial….You are a great help in our trading!!!
  48. RajT April 19, 2012 at 6:24 am
    Thank you Nial, Another Great article.
  49. Andy April 18, 2012 at 9:23 am
    Thank Nial for lessons ,very good talent
    If any trader winning every week/month with your method, would not be long before many brokers who go bankrupt and close?
    Then we can not play anymore ???? Every month i can eat with price action strategy.God bless you
  50. vijay March 20, 2012 at 2:41 pm
    This is just like you are sitting behind me and watching everything. everything you have described is 100% accurate without any doubt.
  51. Steven February 15, 2012 at 10:11 am
    Greetings Nial,
    As you know, I’m very new to FX & as I’ve searched the Internet for education there is a LOT of information available (as much ‘noise’ on the subject as on the intra-daily charts), so it has been a breathe of fresh FX-air to discover your site & read of your simplified approach. I expect that the FREE component of your web pages would only be like crumbs from the table of your full course, but those crumbs are certainly insightful & beneficial to a newbie like me. Great work! Many thanks!
  52. Fred January 19, 2012 at 3:26 pm
    Thanks Niall. One of the most sensible advice I have come across on the web. Good advice. Cheers.
  53. tim November 9, 2011 at 12:35 am
    Very nice article nial I really appreciate the advice u give to me n others
  54. Sher November 5, 2011 at 2:43 am
    Thank you Nial
  55. SAMUEL EZENNAYA November 4, 2011 at 6:08 pm
    Thanks so much for this educative post. I really appreciate every words. As i feel this post is meant for me.
    From Samuel
    Lagos, Nigeria
  56. matthew November 4, 2011 at 5:39 pm
    Wow. These comments say it all, Nial. You’re helping to change alot of lives and create many profitable traders. I’ll always be thankful that I found myself learning from you early in my Forex career.
  57. Kartik Bhatt October 31, 2011 at 9:00 am
    Hi Nial
    I have been trading FX for several years and periodically visit your site and read your articles. I totally agree with your trading advice which is to trade the bigger timeframes. The the proper application of money mangement and a robust strategy a trader you invariably make money. Making money from the markets is really as simple as Nial demonstrates. I would like to add that it is very important to let your profits run. Don’t panic and take the money. Protect your trade by moving your stoploss as your trade moves into profit. Safe trading everyone!!
  58. Shri October 31, 2011 at 1:40 am
    Nial, Your are just Great…and no any other words to describe.your service…you are simple Great…
  59. Poda October 30, 2011 at 10:12 pm
    Really good Nial.
    I feel lucky that i do not look for shorter time frame. I have not experience that… may be in the future….I will see. Diary fit my personality and i can combined with work really well. Set and forget.
  60. Tim A October 30, 2011 at 10:09 am
    Nials, thanks you once again for your wealth on knowledge. I’ve been trading for the last 5 years, and in only the last 2 3 years I have gone to higher timeframes with great success and just price action!. Reading your articles always comfirms I’m on the right track. Took me a while to get over the “noise” but this is the right way to trade. Keep it really simple guys. Thanks again Nials your a legend in my book.
  61. Brendon October 30, 2011 at 2:27 am
  62. akshayakumardash October 30, 2011 at 2:24 am
    thanks nial,really ur a great tutur ur selfless by publishing such article,pl.tell which provides best forex chart.
  63. Mahdi October 30, 2011 at 12:56 am
    hi Nial,
    great article. thanks for your response.
  64. Anton October 29, 2011 at 8:05 pm
    Hi Nial, thanks for a great article. Especially last few days I tried to analyze market and movements due market data and it was very confusing . Price action and your consistent educational articles really helps to improve my results.
  65. rob October 29, 2011 at 1:41 pm
    hi nial,thanks for a great article,but i also find a problem with stop loss being too big on daily charts, but the charts are much clearer.what do you suggest.
  66. Shane October 29, 2011 at 10:27 am
    Thanks Nial. Reminding me to focus on less is actually more important than trying to watch all the information.
  67. onesi John October 29, 2011 at 8:13 am
    Thanks so much for your educative lessons on forex. Pls how can we get charts that closes at 5pm newyork time?
  68. kotijett October 29, 2011 at 5:50 am
    Thanks Nial. Your articles continue to curve my trading skills. Thanks for sharing your views relating to noise on shorter time frames versus the daily chart.
  69. david October 29, 2011 at 5:49 am
    hello dear nail ,thanks alot for this lesson you said the fact, please keep it up i am still finding it difficult to draw the accurate holizontal line
  70. Keith(from england) October 29, 2011 at 5:07 am
    Hey Nial,
    I feel like you were writing this for me!!
    Im a newbie and started trading on the 5 min charts trying so hard and feeling anxious because of the timing of entry/ exit. Since reading your material I now realise I have to change and follow your sound basic fundamentals.
    keep up the good postings,
  71. Lionell Dixon October 29, 2011 at 3:07 am
    Thanks again Nial for another one of your GENIUS price action lessons! You’ve really helped in tranforming my trading phychology and skills 100 fold! God bless you!
  72. francisco araujo October 29, 2011 at 2:30 am
    Nial, bless your heart. well said on daily chart.i’ve been improved my traders since you showed to us this way. thanks.
  73. AMIN MALIK October 29, 2011 at 1:34 am
    Hi NIAL,the GREAT !
    Like a true GENTLEMAN , You are so caring $ helpful
    to Trading Community at large.Please keep it up.
  74. eko jamiu October 29, 2011 at 12:43 am
    i really love this set up call price action, it is the best thing strategy i have learn in forex. thks fuller
  75. mongo October 29, 2011 at 12:18 am
    G’day Nial,
    Of course your opinion matters…YOU’re the one that’s successful and have proven that simplicity in trading is the key to longevity and consistency in the markets. DAILY charts (4HR) are the only TF’s I’ll trade. They DO reduce noise and market chatter + the reliability of signal is very high & profitable.
    BIGGEST gain for me personally? Getting my LIFE back! I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve invested staring at screens and wasting precious time away from my family. Sad thing is…HOW is the world can I teach my kids how to trade “for a living” when all they see is me stuck to a screen, day in day out. Who wants to do that?
    In all, you are a very successful trader, a sincere and passionate educator/mentor and speak the truth that so many struggling traders NEED to hear!
    Thank you Nial…your insight and shared wisdom have changed my trading AND personal life for the better ;)
  76. eddie October 28, 2011 at 11:58 pm
    When I trade daily time frame charts it seems I almost always get stopped out over night. Is there a way to not get stopped out as often.The market seems to move a lot while I sleep. Usually over 75-100 pips.
    your outlook and advise would be appreciated.
  77. Gurpal October 28, 2011 at 11:07 pm
    Hi Nial,
    Hope you are well. Thank you again for another priceless lesson.
    Thank you for all your help
    Thanks and Regards
  78. pingwarrior October 28, 2011 at 10:59 pm
    I have practiced to trade FX in daily chart for months and I can say that my balance stay in positive since then. Very good sharing.
  79. KRISTOFA OKENTA October 28, 2011 at 10:54 pm
    My Prof.,Thank you once more for your passion to be a good daily trader and a GOOD TEACHER to us. There is no disputing your lesson, there are the seed of harvests that we need.
    If there are TWO people in the forex world with this same desire for every trader to trade well and better, the world would be a better place than it is now.
    Thank you again.
  80. festus October 28, 2011 at 10:45 pm
    i think this particular post was actually ment for me,because i find myself to be a victim of all you just mentioned and really want to appreciate you for your goodworks, pls keep it up.
  81. Mamoun Ali October 28, 2011 at 9:30 pm
    As I am a member of your great website; do you agree that drawing support and resistance lines depending on closing price are more effective than using highs and lows of prices?
    Good Luck
    • nial October 28, 2011 at 9:35 pm
      a level is relevant on both highs and lows, and also closes can be relevant
      but, i truly feel that highs and lows of candles being lined up is most obvious.
  82. Frank Page October 28, 2011 at 8:49 pm
    Hi Nial,
    I agree the daily charts are best to trade. However it is also important to practise good money management. I don’t like to risk more than 2% / trade. To trade on the dailies where the stoploss can be up to say 140+ pips from entry means you need a large trading account size say 40,000 – 50,000usd. I study the dailies but look to trade the 4 hr or 2 hr because of this. In general terms I would say to trade 1 lot requires 25k usd a/c size to practise good MM. I would also say a lot of newbies fail because they do not practise MM and they are generally under capitalised. Any veiws on this welcome?
  83. Kristofer October 28, 2011 at 8:39 pm
    It’s your loyal member Kristofer here, thanking you sincerely for your hard work and all your knowledge, thank you for sharing it with me and changing my life. I always am lookign forward to your lessons each week. Amazing is your dedication to us.
  84. Amos October 28, 2011 at 8:37 pm
    I love your forex lesson tutorials , thank you kind sir.
  85. Dave October 28, 2011 at 8:35 pm
    I know in my heart you are right, the only problem I have is identifying a reasonable (tight?) stop loss position. A comment on this aspect would be welcome.
  86. Nielson USA October 28, 2011 at 8:34 pm
    I am a new and very happy member of your forex course and forums , just saying “Gday” back to you from Texas USA
  87. Daniel Sebag October 28, 2011 at 8:32 pm
    Hi Nial, what a difference makes to be on a daily chart much clearer thank you for the info.
  88. Duke October 28, 2011 at 8:32 pm
    Big lesson here Nial, i am getting great value from your course and lessons, keep posting these up, thanks
  89. Tobias October 28, 2011 at 8:31 pm
    Thank you Nial, You are a Hero here in Germany, a godsend for forex traders, your lessons and insight are so inspiring and life changing. Amazing lesson today for any trader. I agree with you, these daily charts are simple and clean, easy to understand.
    thank you again,
    Tobias from Germany
  90. Sandy October 28, 2011 at 8:29 pm
    Hi Nial,
    Very sound advice. Great course By the way. Very easy to understand. Patience is the key, I believe. Keep up the
    good work.
  91. Linda October 28, 2011 at 8:29 pm
    Nial you are a true friend, thanks for your great course & community for all of us price action traders, it really has helped me and changed the way I trade. I loved this article, since starting to trade the daily timeframe charts everything has become clearer for me. thanks always. Linda

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